Utilization of Interactive E-Learning Instructional Supplemental Material in TLE Cookery Exploratory Course
Cookery Exploratory Course, E-learning, Interactive learning, Supplemental Instructional MaterialAbstract
Embracing technology is quite beneficial in schools. Research in e-learning, from its implementation, has been the subject of several reviews addressing issues related to technology, design, and use. The purpose of this study is to utilize and evaluate the developed interactive e-learning supplemental instructional material in the TLE Cookery Exploratory Course through Google Sites. Specifically, an evaluation of the utilized instructional material in terms of its content qualities, instructional qualities, technical qualities, and other findings (i.e., conceptual errors, factual errors, and grammatical errors) was administered. Developmental research design as the systematic study of designing, developing, and evaluating instructional technology that meet the criteria of consistency and effectiveness was utilized. Purposive sampling was utilized for selecting teacher-respondents and cluster-sampling for student respondents. The study revealed that the e-learning interactive supplemental material in Cookery Exploratory aids the student in improving their acquisition of learning. The result of the study, therefore, concludes that the designed learning resource can attain a specific learning outcome and enhance cognitive outcomes by engaging students in interactive learning materials.
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